vegetables fruits and grains from our garden and make a meal of those early on Samhain
eve. Before dinner is prepared, however, we shall carve the faces in our pumpkins and
line the front steps of our home with them. Before our meal, we will thank the God and
"Apples, pumpkins, nuts and grains
Potatoes, squash and more the same
A hearty loaf of fresh-baked bread
And other tasty fare is fed.
In the name of all that's good
Thank God and Goddess for this food
With hungry folk we'll share the rest
Of nature's own delicious best."
Of course, we bake an extra loaf of bread or pumpkin pie to take to a neighbor just to say
we love you, in the name of the Goddess.
Before the meal, we would have asked each family member to bring to the table the picture
of a departed loved one. As we eat, we talk about our fondest memories of that loved one.
After the meal, we clear the table, light candles, and invite the spirits of those departed loved
ones to join us, and to communicate to us in any way they choose.
Afterward, we all don our costumes for the evening, stand in the middle of our living room,
cast a circle about us, and repeat this blessing:
"Circle of unending light
Keep us safe from harm this night
Goddess, keep us in your care
Protect us from all evil fare."
We then go our for our evening's Trick or Treating, and on the way drop the basket of food off
to the neighbor that has been chosen. After coming home, we sit around and play games
and eat our candy!
This is just a very simple Samhain celebration, and many other things can be done. I'll add
more later, such as recipes and games, so check back.
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